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Summer Workshops and Percussion Ensemble at the Simon Boyar School of Drums and Percussion!!!

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We are very excited to offer a full month of classes and performance opportunities this summer! 

Learn more about each opportunity below and please don't hesitate to reach out here if you have any questions. 

Email us here to sign up! 

Mallet Keyboard Workshop

Monday, July 15th - Thursday, July 18th

9:30am-12pm (early drop off ok) 

Pack lunch each day, pizza provided on Thursday

Students will be placed in groups based on age

Fee $325

For those of you who have wanted to learn more about mallet keyboard percussion this class is for you! Our Mallet Keyboard Workshop will provide an overview that includes basic scales, reading, technique, and music in a fun group setting. Students will learn about mallet keyboard percussion instruments including marimba, vibraphone, xylophone, bells, and chimes. Both beginners and early intermediate players of all ages are welcome. You do not need to have any prior experience playing these instruments to join this class. Just interest, enthusiasm, and motivation to learn!


Junior Percussion Ensemble Workshop

Monday, July 22nd - Thursday, July 25th


Pack lunch each day, pizza provided on Thursday

3rd=6th Grade

Fee $379

This workshop is the perfect introduction for young students who would like the experience of playing in a Percussion Ensemble. Students will learn all about our extensive collection of instruments, participate in group rehearsals, and give a small performance together on Thursday. Learn why everyone is talking about the Percussion Ensemble program at the Simon Boyar School of Drums and Percussion. You won't be sorry!


Summer Rock Drum and Content Creation Lab

Monday, July 29th - Thursday, August 1st

9:30am-12pm (early drop off ok) 

Pack lunch each day, pizza provided on Thursday

Students will be placed in groups based on age

Fee $325

Participants will create their own video song library and upload their content to YouTube using the Yamaha EAD10 and other powerful practice and content creation tools. Create awesome drum covers and study rock music by bands like Nirvana, Rush, Green Day, Metallica, and much MUCH more!!! Learn in a supportive environment with like-minded individuals and play on some of the finest drums in the industry. Owning a Yamaha EAD10 is NOT required to fully benefit from this class.

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Yamaha EAD10 Closeup.JPG

Summer Percussion Ensemble 

Monday, August 5th-Friday August 9th


Concert Friday, August 9th at 7pm

*7th-12th Grade 

Fee $725

Our Summer Ensemble Program is something that many students look forward to every year. Students rehearse in groups, participate in classes on a number of performance based topics, and meet guest artists. This is a fun way to keep your percussion ensemble and chamber music chops up during the summer. If you enjoy percussion ensemble and performing with other musicians, we highly recommend this opportunity! All drummers, percussionists, timpanists, and mallet players welcome!!! 

- Concert will be a live streamed in-person event. 


- Guest artists will be announced once enrollment is completed.  

- Students who are not enrolled in lessons at the Simon Boyar School of Drums and Percussion are welcome to attend. If you are not enrolled in lessons, prior to signing up we will need to receive a short video example of your playing. You can send this or any links to If you are already enrolled in lessons you do not need to send a video submission. 


Daily Rehearsal Schedule - this may slightly change but students should plan on being at the studio from 10am-4pm each day. 

10am-12pm rehearsal 

12-1pm lunch

1-1:45pm class

1:45-4pm rehearsal 

Friday 7pm performance 

*6th graders who demonstrate maturity and experience may be accepted on a case by case basis


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